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The Proverbs 31 Woman is All of Us

Writer's picture: Lyndsay TerryLyndsay Terry

Have you ever read all the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 Woman and all she does and accomplishes? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the to-do list that seems to emanate from her description? Can you even live up to this standard of woman?

Proverbs 31:10-31 (TPT)

10 - Who could ever find a wife like this one --

she is a woman of strength and mighty valor!

She’s full of wealth and wisdom.

The price paid for her was greater than many jewels.

11 - Her husband has entrusted his heart to her,

for she brings him the rich spoils of victory.

12 - All throughout her life she brings him what is good and not evil.

13 - She searches out continually to possess

that which is pure and righteous.

She delights in the work of her hands.

14 - She gives out revelation-truth to feed others.

She is like a trading ship bringing divine supplies

from the merchant.

15 - Even in the night season she arises and sets food on the table

for hungry ones in her house and for others.

16 - She sets her heart upon a field and takes it as her own.

She labors there to plant the living vines.

17 - She wraps herself in strength, might, and power in all her works.

18 - She tastes and experiences a better substance,

and her shining light will not be extinguished,

no matter how dark the night.

19 - She stretches out her hands to help the needy

and she lays hold of the wheels of government.

20 - She is known by her extravagant generosity to the poor,

for she always reaches out her hands to those in need.

21 - She is not afraid of tribulation,

for all her household is covered in the dual garments

of righteousness and grace.

22 - Her clothing is beautifully knit together --

a purple gown of exquisite linen.

23 - Her husband is famous and admired by all,

sitting as the venerable judge of his people.

24 - Even her works of righteousness

she does for the benefit of her enemies.

25 - Bold power and glorious majesty are wrapped around her

as she laughs with joy over the latter days.

26 - Her teachings are filled with wisdom and kindness

as loving instruction pours from her lips.

27 - She watches over the ways of her household

and meets every need they have.

28 - Her sons and daughters arise in one accord to extol her virtues,

and her husband arises to speak of her in glowing terms.

29 - “There are many valiant and noble ones,

but you have ascended above them all!”

30 - Charm can be misleading,

and beauty is vain and so quickly fades,

but this virtuous woman lives in the wonder, awe,

and fear of the Lord.

She will be praised throughout eternity.

31 - So go ahead and give her the credit that is due,

for she has become a radiant woman,

and all her loving works of righteousness deserve to be admired

at the gateways of every city!

I don’t know about you, but I only tick off some of these boxes and not consistently. It can be easy for me to read about this woman and feel inadequate or even ashamed. I long to be her. To love getting up early and staying up late until the work is done, to have children call me blessed because of the way I raise them and a husband who can only speak about me in glowing terms. I want to be someone who is virtuous and puts the needs of others always above my own. To be a woman who can laugh at the days ahead instead of being filled with dread. To bring truth to those living in lies, to be righteous for the sake of my enemies, to be filled with more than enough strength to conquer any obstacle, and to delight in the work laid before me. 

I want to be her, but most days…I’m just not. 

I don’t think the Lord inspired this passage to shame its readers or set an impossible standard in front of them to live in frustration. That’s just not his way…not without providing a way! 

What if I told you this passage may relate more to the CHURCH than to an individual woman? What if I told you that, together, WE are all this woman? 

The Church is referred to as the Bride of Christ. This passage says a few key things that point us to a heavenly husband rather than an earthly one…a heavenly marriage rather than one between just two people.

The price paid for her was greater than many jewels…

Her husband has entrusted his heart to her…

All her household is covered in dual garments of righteousness and grace…

Her husband is famous and admired by all, sitting as the venerable judge of his people…

Her husband arises to speak of her in glowing terms…

She will be praised throughout eternity…

These parts of the passage seem to point to something bigger than just a woman and her husband. Something eternal. Something all-encompassing. Something so much bigger than us…

When we read this passage in the light of the Church, we can be filled with hope and inspiration to live in step with this kind of Church. We are called into an eternal family to help fulfill the role of the Proverbs 31 woman. It’s something to strive toward, but is not solely on our shoulders to bear. We cover one another’s weaknesses as we build up one another to be strong…stronger in those places of weakness. 

It’s not all on you, sis. You have an eternal family of brothers and sisters in Christ to help you walk in strength toward these things as we fulfill the role of the Proverbs 31 woman TOGETHER. As a Church. The Lord’s Holy Bride. 

I want to challenge you to go re-read this passage with new eyes. Read it as a description of the Bride of Christ. You’ll fall more in love with the Church. Read it while asking the Lord how he wants you to help fulfill the Proverbs 31 woman. Where is your weakness and who can help make you strong? Collectively, we have the mind of Christ. Collectively, we are clothed in strength and dignity. Collectively, we are the Bride of Christ. 

Collectively, we ALL are the Proverbs 31 woman. Together.

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