Pretty & Wise Co.

Lyndsay Terry
I live to see women let go of their trauma and be released into their triumph!​
I'd love to help you identify the voice of God through scripture and the prophetic so that you can more confidently chase after the destiny God has put before you.
Lyndsay has been serving the Lord in ministry for 15+ years through worship leading, youth ministry, conference speaking, writing, and mentoring. She is currently living out her calling as the Creative Arts Pastor at Kindred Church in Richmond, VA. Along with working and serving at her local church, she also has some new adventures going on:
· Founder of the Pretty & Wise Co.
· Author of Full Portion God: You're invited to the Feast
More than anything else, her greatest blessing and the most fun she ever has is being a wife to Josh and a mother to her four kids: Judah, Eli, Abigail, and Daniel.
A Little About Me...
I'm Lyndsay and I'm pretty sure I'm God's favorite (sorry). He has spoiled me through and through with Josh, my husband who looks so much like Jesus he puts the rest of us to shame (except there is no shame in Jesus, can I get an amen?!), four unbelievably wild and beautiful kids, Judah, my firstborn man-cub, Eli, my wild and free-spirited, emotional rollercoaster child, my fiery redheaded babe Abigail Rose, and our newest sweet babe, Daniel. We spend our days playing a lot of pretend, making a lot of messes, snuggling, breaking up fights, reading, and eating ALL. DAY. LONG. And we homeschool so... somebody pray for me.
I have been serving full-time in ministry since I was 20 years old and part-time or as a volunteer before that. I cannot imagine doing anything other than serving the Lord by loving and caring for His Bride. I've been an administrative assistant, a discipleship director, a youth pastor, a graphic designer, and a worship pastor during my 15+ years in ministry and have loved every single area I've served in; however, leading worship and developing a team of worshipers is my bread and butter. There is nothing quite like ushering people into the throne room of heaven to see the face of God through worship. Worship is where the war is won and I want to win a lot of wars so I'm just going to keep worshiping!
I could not be more excited and honored to share this journey into sisterhood with you! Truly... I'm just in complete amazement that the Lord has invited me on this adventure. I want to hear your stories and spend some time loving on you in Jesus' name! My whole heart is to share the Father's heart for you - who He says you are, specifically - what He is calling you to do - what victory He wants to bring to you. I'm here for it and I'm here for you, to cheer you on and give you that cool cup of spiritual water when your legs won't keep pushing you forward. When you obey the Lord, you win and I want to watch you win this race, girl! I'm praying blessings over you as you jump into the sisterhood with us.
Let's Connect!
I would love to connect and collaborate! Head over to my personal website or shoot me an email.