Do you pick a word of the year? A word to meditate on and seek the Lord over and grow in? I’ve done it for about 13 years now. It’s been transformative to my spiritual life! I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s fine, but it has become mine for sure.
Last year, my focus was on the word “intentional” and the year before was “discipline” (which kind of feels like the same thing to me). Funnily enough the year before that, the word was ALSO discipline. Apparently it took me three years to get some traction on that one. Yikes.
Honestly? I kind of expected that God would tell me to focus on discipline or intentionality again this year. Looking at my life, I really am not great at this. I am creative and that means I can be messy. I’ve got a bunch of projects going on at once because I’m also impulsive and they all sounded like fun so why not start a new one! Then I’m surrounded with half finished projects and…well you get it. I’m undisciplined.
I will say, I’m more disciplined than I was 3 years ago when this journey began. I’ve become more disciplined in our homeschooling, in my time with the Lord, in my ministries, in my homemaking, and more. If I look at where I am today, I am lacking. I’m a dumpster fire some days. I’ll scroll through social media and see all of these magazine ready moms in their magazine ready homes with their picture perfect children and then look around my home…not ready for Better Homes & Gardens to swing by right this moment.
But the thing the Lord has been reminding me of in those moments…this house is full of life! When I see a sink full of dishes because the kids and I cooked a big dinner, at first glance it is just another mess, another way I’m falling behind. But upon further inspection, when I slow down and quit rushing from moment to moment and just cherish this one moment I’m in now, I can see that sink is full because my four children and I were learning new skills in the kitchen and enjoying time together. Our family of six was gathered around the table talking about our days and laughing at silly jokes and I’m able to notice that all my children mention their daddy coming home from work was their favorite part of their day (which I love…it’s my favorite too).
So yes, it may be true that “disciplined” is not the first word I think of when I look at my life, I can see how I’ve grown over the past several years in that practice and how I’m continuing on that journey. But this year, with those gentle reminders from the Lord to slow down and cherish what is going on around me, He’s shown me my new words for the year -
I’m not where I want to end up, but I do love where I am even in all the mess. I haven’t arrived yet, but the road I’m travelling is extraordinarily beautiful and I need to stop more often to take a look around. I need to enjoy the moment I’m in with my family or in my ministry or wherever I am and cherish that I get to be in that moment. I get that experience. I get to be with these beautiful souls. Look at all these blessings!
Cherishing is something I want to do everyday. I have a goal to find a moment to steward well by cherishing it every single day this year. Holding it dear in my heart and mind and thanking God for it. Thanking the people around me for being in it with me.
To “simplify” my life is something I know the Lord is asking of me so that I’m able to slow down and cherish it. My husband and I keep looking at our schedules and saying “we’re too busy!” But then…what could we possibly drop out of? I don’t know quite yet, but learning some lessons in intentionality from last year, this year is going to start with loads of prayer. Quiet prayers with my husband asking the Lord for wisdom, direction, and, most of all, courage to be obedient in stewarding our time well in order to cherish all of these blessings we’ve been given.
Truthfully, that scares me. What if God asks something of me that is going to require sacrifice? Like…a LOT of sacrifice. I say that to Him and immediately feel shame because…Jesus was willing to pay any sacrifice for me. And He did. Here I am complaining that I may have to give some measly little offering of myself to a God who has offered EVERYTHING to me.
However, I am not met with anything but warmth from the Lord in response to my pettiness. In these times of prayer, I’ve felt His compassion for my fleshly weakness. He knows it’s hard and He doesn’t hold that over my head. Yet, He continues to invite me to say yes and give Him what I have in sacrifice. And in my heart, I know completely that if I entrust myself to Him, I could never be disappointed or wish for something different. His gifts are good and perfect. His plan for me is good and for my good and for His glory. I’ve never regretted saying yes to God yet. Why would this be any different?
So this year, I am getting intentional in seeking the Lord on how He wants me to simplify my life to better cherish these blessings He’s given me in a way that screams “THANK YOU LORD!” Not “yeah yeah thanks - moving on to the next thing now.”
What is your focus with the Lord this year? What is He asking of you? Where is He leading you? I’d love to hear and send some encouragement your way!
Our Holy Father, we entrust ourselves to you this year as your daughters, servants, and friends. We know that you are good, that you work all things for our good as people called by you to your purposes. We want to act on that belief. Would you help us to see where you are moving in our lives? Would you help us to hear your voice and follow your footsteps? We believe you have life abundant for us and we will live in that abundant and obedient life, Lord Jesus. We love you.
