Miriam, the prophetess:
"Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea."
And Miriam:
"..Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has he not spoken through us also?"
Miriam, the prophetess, tambourine in hand, leading the women in song and dance out of Egyptian captivity.
And Miriam, with brother Aaron, speaking against brother Moses, whose pitch-daubed basket she once watched through reeds in the Nile.
"And the LORD heard it."
A family meeting, called by the LORD Himself:
""Come out, you three, to the tent of meeting.""
A pillar of cloud and a Father's firm:
God, Mighty Defender:
"Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?"
The LORD's cloud lifted and Miriam's face white as snowOnce lit up with joy as she danced forward in freedomNow leprous
Walking on dry ground in the midst of the Red Sea
She departed
As the LORD brought the waters back
Shattering her enemies with His mighty hand
Standing before the tent of meeting shrouded by cloud
He departed
And her face revealed
The devastation and gravity of her sin
Moses' face
Miriam's face
Siblings divided
Now brothers united
Grieving and pleading for their sister
Shattered by sin
"O God
Please heal her-
And Miriam,
The prophetess,
Separated in her sin,
Examined by Aaron the priest,
Pronounced clean,
And not left behind,
But instead,
Brought back in.
And us,
Blessing our God and Father
And cursing our brother
Made in the likeness of God
With the same mouth.
Hearts crusted over with leprosy,
Dancing with death,
Drained of lifeblood
And infected with
Bitter jealousy and selfish ambition.
And Jesus,
The Greater Moses,
Our Brother,
Not only interceding for us,
But giving His very life
And spilling His blood for us
So we are not cast out.
We are not left behind.
Our Great High Priest,
Declaring us clean
And our sin,
Though once as scarlet,
Now white as snow.
And this Jesus,
Shattering disorder
And every vile practice,
Even the most hopeless,
Irreconcilable of circumstances,
Bringing unity
From the unlikeliest of circumstances,
Like taking what was meant for evil
And turning it for good
And just like Jesus
Reconciling us
To God
So that
May carry out
His ministry of reconciliation.
Miriam, Numbers 12