Consistency. In preparing for this article I started to think about my life and where I was consistent. I thought…and thought…and kept thinking…and then felt pretty poorly about myself. Am I consistent in my workplace? Mostly…sometimes. Am I consistent with our housekeeping? Ehhhhhh that’s a no. Am I consistent with our children? I honestly try to be but I’m no expert on that. Am I consistent with the Lord? If I’m totally honest, not always there either.
My yes isn’t ALWAYS my yes and my no isn’t ALWAYS my no. How do I write an article to help women understand and live in a space of consistency when I’m no good at it?
I had to laugh…and then shed a tear or two. There are other people far more qualified to write on this than I am. Far more eloquent. Far more experienced. Far more…consistent. But the Lord worked it out for me to write on this topic. Truly He did because I wouldn’t have picked me. I signed up for this week before I knew what our topic was this month.
What I CAN speak to you about is…I know. I get it. This is hard in so many areas of our lives. We are all going 100 miles an hour trying to please our bosses, our families, the Lord, and even ourselves. We fill up our schedules with really important stuff and then what? We are too tired to stay consistent. We are so busy that we run out of steam and we Just. Can’t. Even.
The advice I feel the Lord giving me for myself, first, and then for you, sweet sister, is this…He is inviting us to SLOW DOWN. Get into His river and flow with His rhythm. He isn’t so busy and fast-paced all the time. There are seasons, yes, but we aren’t meant to sustain those seasons indefinitely. We can’t stay consistent in making time for Jesus, one on one time with our babies, heart-to-heart time with our spouse, giving quality work in the office, and taking care of the home and things God has gifted to us if we are constantly going and never resting and restoring.
Slow down, sis. I’m in a season of finding out just how to do that. How do we do that?
I don’t have the answer but I know that my kids don’t need to be in every sport, I don’t need to say yes to every extra opportunity at work, I shouldn’t have something going every night of the week, I should have regular date nights with my husband, my kids should have fun moments with their mom everyday - no matter how big or small - they deserve the best of me, and I should wake up with Jesus everyday…my morning (or bedtime) should be spent unwinding with the Lord and getting into His river, asking what HIS agenda is for the day.
Slow down.
If we want to be consistent, we need to get into the River and flow with the Lord’s rhythm. Slow down.
